Performances > MAO > Lounge

Deco 1:
Joana Preis + Vicnet
(Büro/Deco, FR)
Alice & the Serial Numbers + Video: K-Project
Kate Wax
(Viking Music, Mentalgroove, CH)
GNU/ Girl Power Lounge Collective
(Music: Ghetto Booties, Video: MissL, HR)
Video (Visual Girlbot Facility, HR)

Parisian artists group Büro and the Deco label founded by Discom present a three parted performance series with artist duos, conceived as musical aperitifs: disturbed melodies melt with human voice and twisted sound treatments. DECO 1 is a meeting of singer Joana Preis and Vicnet's danceable elektro pop. Nathalie Bruys aka KODI makes music, does radio and installation pieces, films, curates events and performs as a DJ. Alice and the Serial Numbers rocks both feet and head: techno with fine harmonies breathing on top of relentless beats and spellbinding bass lines. Katewax has been titled Alan Vega's kid sister. Childlike and cool at the same time, her voice pierces through rumbling, lo-fi electro. The GNU/GIRL Power Lounge is an audio-visual collective form Croatia related to the egoboobits label. They address to both feminist issues and copyleft concepts: call it DIY-elektro or fancy-riot...some call it punk.