Maria am Ufer > HALL


The programm features five different approaches of a musical-political practice and as a result five different statements:

Domenico Sciajno, contemporary music composer from Italy, will perform the audiovisual piece 'Globaliz8 FX', constructed solely out of documentary material taken at the incidents arround the 2001 G8 meeting in Genova.

Ultra Red will continue with a collaboration/confrontation between the group and members of the Kanak Attak Network addressing to issues of migration, social relations and of political organizing , which was begun when Ultra Red was invited to the 'Frequenzen [HZ]' exhibition in Frankfurt in 2002. Back then they worked out a radio-piece and also planned to bring a joint performance on stage. As for several reasons is has not been possible that time, they now want to take the project up again.

> see also: partner event [Sound Service] at Podewil - Ultra Red 'N30', sound installation.

'Jerusalem: Tales outside the framework of orthodoxy' was an experiment with music of jewish and arabic origin and at the same time it was a record about the divided city of Jerusalem. Sebastian Meissner thus entered a highly politicized terrain and as one of the very few artists in the field of electronica demonstrated that it is possible to address to recent political issues with electronic music. With "Walking in Jerusalem", Meissner shifted the focus from zhe cities spatial and cultural division to the independent characters of its single quarters. Out of the dual city emerged a number of 'small Jerusalems'. For the club transmediale Meissner (aka RANDOM_INC aka RANDOM_INDUSTRIES) stages his 'Jerusalem' project together with the two Israeli sound and video artists ERAN SACHS and RAN SLAVIN.

> see also: partner event [Sound Service] at Podewil - Random Inc., 'Walking in Jerusalem: Pirate Radio Stations', sound installation.

Signal Territories is an ongoing project by members of Project Atol, Pact Systems and Random Logic from Slowenia and a performance derivative of a much bigger artistic research work. The composition is produced entirely with SIGINT (signals intelligence) material together with large portions of broadcast telecommunications traffic of satellites and HF trunk, broadcast, service and amateur networks. In doing the kind of observation and analysis generally conducted by institutional, private, and state monopolies, Signal Territories takes on a counter-position, a heterotopic praxis of 'information gathering' that extracts valuable data from supra-individual, corporate, and transterritorial networks, making them available and also demonstrating how they can be shared.

Boris Hegenbart plays a set of dense sound-miniatures recorded on site at various places all over the world. He documented private and intimate encounters of man and object and confronts these documents with arbitrary computer-music thus opening a associative transcultural space which is filled with the ambigious relation between human gesture and the structure of processing technology.