Panel > Bootlab
in English language

Rutvica Andrijasevic
(NextGenderation, DE/HR)
Grada Ferreira
(Humboldt University, Berlin, DE/PT)
Seda Guerses
(Technical University, Berlin, DE)
(Respect Network, Berlin, DE)
Nicole Nepton
(Montreal; CA/QC)
Diana McCarty
Moderation (DE/US)

From mainstream images on the television, to software production, difference is present on and in the media. Artists, activists, and theorists that address gender, race, and migration discuss the role of media in the social construction and the implementation of those differences in daily life.

> HTMlles 06 [Active Agents] Circulation 01 Berlin
> [CTM COOP] HTMlles

Ziegelstrasse 20
10117 Berlin