> [CLOSE UP] 06.02. | 23:00

Ilios is a sonic experimentalist from Greece. He started in 1992 and since has released 8 solo albums, staged 7 multimedia shows and contributed tracks to numerous compilations on labes such as Staalplaat, Diskono and Absurd. In 1997 he launched his own label Antifrost on which he publishes the music of like-minded experimental musicians including Francisco Lopez, Sachiko M, Daniel Menche, Kim Cascone, Jason Kahn, Zbigniew Karkowski, Maja Ratke and Philip Samartzis. Ilios also works for dance, theatre, cinema and communication projects. He did collaboration projects with: Francisco Lopez, Jason Kahn, Coti, Steinbruechel, Teleform, Thurston Moore, as11, a.o. In the last 10 years ilios´s sonic spectrum has been moving constantly from orthodox silence to catholic noise stopping over to infamous covers including Gainsbourg's "Je t'aime"and theme from american soap opera "Dynasty".

> www.siteilios.gr