Live audio-play > MAO > Hall
Felix Kubin

(Ski-pp, A-Musik, Gargarin, DE)
Wojt3k Kucharczyk
(Mik Musik, PL)

Live audio-play by Felix Kubin and Wojt3k Kucharczyk in the tradition of gang warfare, DJ Battle and disputation. Two audio-terrorists spring back and forth over the Polish-German border, with no regard for customs regulations. Everyday set-scenes impact amongst snatches of empty political phrases, conversational snippets and music fragments garnered from the street, the pub, the Underground. Regional statement and cultural "poses" in a catapult exchange give rise to coarse cacaphonic slaughter between neighbouring cultures, which approach each other without diplomacy, false etiquette or perplexity. A racing musical ball-game somewhere between Musique-Concrète-Collage and Dadaistic lecture: everything can "speak", even a dog.