Electronic Music from
Eastern and South-Eastern Europe

Over 30 artists featured in performances, panel discussions and installations.

Even years after huge political upheavals threw “East” and “West” into each other’s arms, encounters between them are still no everyday affair. A clear framework makes getting to know one another easier: and if this is the case on a personal level, then much more so, when it comes to a festival. The investigation of electronic music between global compatibility and local idiosyncrasy is a microcosm suited to such rapprochement. Musical culture is not only the expression, but increasingly a changing agent for society. The focus on electronic music in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe must inquire into the conditions that shape artistic practice there, and, above all, pay attention to the impulses for social upheaval deriving from initiatives in this field.

Berlin has in common with its Eastern neighbours not only a rich and furthermore problematic history, but also the fact that Berlin itself has had to face fundamental changes since 1989. Thus Further East cannot be concerned only with the one-sided integration of “East” into the “West”. Rather, the interest lies in an exchange regarding the strategies and practices that could develop in these changing circumstances. Further East therefore comprises, in addition to concerts, video works and installations and, above all, panel discussions in which curators, artists and authors take part. Further East wishes to accelerate international networking and introduce the participating artists to a wider public The public will, in return, have the chance to discover new and never before heard voices.

Funded by the Federal Cultural Foundation, Germany.